How To Choose The Right Web Design Agency
We know searching for the right web design agency can feel like a daunting task, so to help you out we've compiled a list of several points to keep in mind.
Keep up-to-date with the latest web design news and insights.
We know searching for the right web design agency can feel like a daunting task, so to help you out we've compiled a list of several points to keep in mind.
Technologies advance, standards evolve and new tools are developed on what can seem like a daily basis, and as professional web designers it’s our job to keep up to date with them all.
When it comes to web design and SEO, it’s important to recognise that the industry has changed a lot over the years. Many of the techniques and strategies which were once considered standa...
Whilst us mere humans need time to eat, sleep and catch up on the latest Game of Thrones, your website sits there quietly, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
2016 sure did have some dark moments with the loss of Bowie, Cohen and of course Princess Leia but today’s a new day (and year) and with that we’re going to look ahead to figure out what w...
Is your website suffering from slow page load speed? Fear not, within this article we’ll discuss several optimisation techniques you can implement to help speed up your website.
I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been on the receiving end of a slow loading website at some point in our lives and I’m sure you’ll agree it can be a major annoyance!
In case you missed it, Jacit had the pleasure of attending this year's Polymer Summit (2016) which took place last week in London. Check out the highlights.
As a business owner, having a successful online presence is a must in today’s marketplace, but the big question is, how do you get one?
It’s finally here! After months of hard work we’re delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website!
Jacit Ltd are proud to announce that we have officially been awarded a recommended agency status by RAR+ (Recommended Agency Register), the UK’s leading register for the digital, marketing...
So you've finally decided to update your website with a fresh new design, that's great! All websites undergo at least one minor facelift at some point in their life. But before diving in h...